If you want to do these steps in reverse: Step 5: - copy paste the pc save to your switch on the persona3/4 folder in JKSV folder, then on JKSV on the switch press "RESTORE" and boom! you may now play all your save data files from pc to switch! Step 4: - search for a folder called "1809700" (for persona 3 portable) or "1113000" (for persona 4 golden) and click on remote, now you have your save data, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR SAVEDATA AKA ALL THE FILES IN THE FOLDER IN CASE YOU LOSE THEM If you have more than 1 steam account click on the one thats your account (in my case i clicked the one with the most games since its my main account) Step 3: - on the "userdata" folder you may now find your steam profile's ID numbers click the numbered folder and then go to step 4. Step 2: - On your pc look for your steam.exe location and click the userdata folder or go to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata" If you've found your folder, great! you may now continue to step 3 Step 1: - Download JKSV on your Switch and backup your p3p or p4g save data Warning 2: The tutorial will be using Persona 4 golden as a base since i do not own persona 3 on steam as of writing this Warning: do this at your own risk, make sure to backup the files especially if expressively said so It recommended you all the versions of both of the games in every platform If you want to do Switch data TO pc follow the steps of the bottom of the page